This is what I want to feel like!!!

This is what I want to feel like!!!
How I feel when I'm over her knee!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

On our way...............

I have asked my wife to spank me more, and also to give me my first punishment spanking soon, whether I need it or not. Don't get me wrong, I am not looking forward with great joy to my first punishment spanking, however I know I need, crave, and want it with all of my heart and soul. I am off of work for awhile, and she has the summer off, so we can get more of a chance to shape this into whatever we want to make it. I would love to make it where I am a frequently spanked, well disciplined husband. I would love to be made to bawl like a baby, over her knee, by the end of the summer!!! In the end it is all up to her..........the way it should be!!!


  1. It will be interesting to read how this goes for you both. Not the easiest thing to convince a spouse to do. Good luck.

  2. My wife is all for it, but she has some learnig to do..........and I have some tolerance to build
