This is what I want to feel like!!!

This is what I want to feel like!!!
How I feel when I'm over her knee!!!

Monday, August 26, 2024


 I may have unleashed the monster. My wife gave me my weekly maintenance spanking yesterday and I must say: it hurt! She has already admitted that she has a bit of a sadistic side, and it is on full display during maintenance. She sets a timer for five minutes and wails away. My screams mean nothing to her as she is not stopping until that timer goes off. Let me tell you that during my spanking I question my sanity for wanting this lifestyle in my life. As we were cuddling afterwards, I was rubbing my butt, and she quickly told me that there was no rubbing allowed.

I really have no idea how I can possibly take a punishment spanking, which I almost earned last night. However, sooner or later, I will find out. I may have to be restrained on our spanking bench.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

I did get a maintenance spanking last night.


As soon as I got the first hit with the bathbrush I was asking myself "what in the hell is wrong with you? This really hurts.' But as soon as she was done, and we were cuddling, I thanked her and encouraged her to start being really strict with me and quicker to spank. I told her she was my Goddess, and I told her that it was quite a contradiction because I needed to be spanked, but I hated the pain. I told her that I need spanking like all people need air: it's just who I am. She told me that she is a bit of a sadist and has no problem with causing me intense pain. She will tan my bottom purple with absolutely no remorse.

We just need to keep communicating, and learning.

An email that I sent my wife:

 My rules:

1. I am never allowed to refuse a spanking. Any attempt to refuse results in two spankings, the second to be given before bed.

2. I always have to respond with "yes ma'am, or mommy, to any request. Any attitude will result in an immediate ass blistering. 

3. Mommy should always be pleased sexually on her request: immediately!

4. Mommy can call Daddy to spank me anytime she wants. She can determine that I need a punishment spanking at her whim. I do not have to have earned one, on the contrary,  punishment spankings are good for me at anytime!

5. Mommy is encouraged to assert her authority in front of her friends and be very open about our disciplinary relationship. (If she desires.)

6. Mommy should set aside one, or two, days a week for maintenance spankings. These can be as light, or severe, as she wishes.

7. If I misbehave when we are not home, mommy is encouraged to let me know that I will be blistered beyond tears when we get home.

   This has to work for both of us, but especially you, because it is a gift to me that I should repay to you by dedicating my life to you. All of these rules are mere suggestions at this point. You make the rules and let me know.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Sad, sad ,sad

 Sad: no movement on the spanking front.

I have asked my wife to institute maintenance spanking, several times. I guess she has no interest. I feel that spankings should be a little more frequent, even though I hate them when they occur. Don't get me wrong, my wife is my Goddess....I just wish she would take up the reins and blister my ass!!!