This is what I want to feel like!!!

This is what I want to feel like!!!
How I feel when I'm over her knee!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One of my favorite spanking blogs is gone!!!

I just tried to go onto Ma'am yes Ma'am spanking blog and was devastated to find it had disappeared!!! It was on of the best Female/Male spanking blogs on the net!!! Lots of good advice, and sharing, was lost. This sucks!!!


  1. I never have been on that blog but yes, that does suck. Spanking blogs are the best, we need more, not less.

  2. David,

    I was also dismayed to find Ma'am, Yes Ma'am missing from my blogroll this morning.

    - Dana Kane

  3. Thank you David. I really appreciate your kind words and most of all your support of my efforts. As a blogger you are aware (I'm certain) of the long hours and hard work that goes into blogging. I too was surprised to see it gone. I received no notice from Goggle, just a text from a lady friend asking why I had deleted it! I was away on business at the time and could not verify or address the issue. I got home earlier this evening and began looking into it. Not an easy task as there is no method of contacting Google directly. However, I was able to get a response from them finally. Apparently, my blog was flagged as "spam"! lol According to Google, automated spam tracking software flagged and disabled my blog as spam. I am in the process of trying to have it unlocked. Hopefully you will see it back up and posting in the very near future!

    Best Regards,

    Tom (wdspoone)

  4. I hear ( at the spanked by my wife site ) that the site was deleted by distributor , thats so sad
    it was definatly one of the best sites on the net


  5. It's been reincarnated as:
