This is what I want to feel like!!!

This is what I want to feel like!!!
How I feel when I'm over her knee!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Had somebody complain about certain pictures on my blog today.

He had a problem with the young boys being spanked. I do not, and never will, advocate child point in those pictures was that was how I want to feel when I am over my wife's knee. I want to feel as helpless, and powerless, as a small boy being spanked by his Mommy. What do you think?


  1. I am a big fan of Jay Em. At first it bothered me, too. But it's not that I want anything done to the naughty spankee. I just want to be in his place. That's entirely different.

  2. I am reminded of myself at 8 being spanked by my 23 year old sister!
