I may have unleashed the monster. My wife gave me my weekly maintenance spanking yesterday and I must say: it hurt! She has already admitted that she has a bit of a sadistic side, and it is on full display during maintenance. She sets a timer for five minutes and wails away. My screams mean nothing to her as she is not stopping until that timer goes off. Let me tell you that during my spanking I question my sanity for wanting this lifestyle in my life. As we were cuddling afterwards, I was rubbing my butt, and she quickly told me that there was no rubbing allowed.
A man getting spanked
Written by a man who believes that all men should be treated like little boys and have their asses blistered frequently.
This is what I want to feel like!!!

How I feel when I'm over her knee!!!
Monday, August 26, 2024
Sunday, August 11, 2024
I did get a maintenance spanking last night.
As soon as I got the first hit with the bathbrush I was asking myself "what in the hell is wrong with you? This really hurts.' But as soon as she was done, and we were cuddling, I thanked her and encouraged her to start being really strict with me and quicker to spank. I told her she was my Goddess, and I told her that it was quite a contradiction because I needed to be spanked, but I hated the pain. I told her that I need spanking like all people need air: it's just who I am. She told me that she is a bit of a sadist and has no problem with causing me intense pain. She will tan my bottom purple with absolutely no remorse.
We just need to keep communicating, and learning.
An email that I sent my wife:
My rules:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Sad, sad ,sad
Sad: no movement on the spanking front.
I have asked my wife to institute maintenance spanking, several times. I guess she has no interest. I feel that spankings should be a little more frequent, even though I hate them when they occur. Don't get me wrong, my wife is my Goddess....I just wish she would take up the reins and blister my ass!!!
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Link to video of my spanking last week:
Monday, October 16, 2023
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
It made me sad today
I was saddened because one of the spanking blogs I really like started posting political opinions. Nobody wants to hear that shit. This is a spanking blog, not a place for your political garbage! I will never post that here because of the polarizing effect it would have. Of course, I have my opinions, however, they will not be expressed here. Nor should they be!
I realize that it is their blog, but in posting their opinions, which are much different than mine, I kind of feel alienated. I go to their site to enjoy the company of fellow spankos, not to be talked down to! What are my political opinions? Hopefully, the people that visit my site, will never know.
That being said: it was my birthday on Sunday and my wife threatened me with a birthday spanking. The way she made it sound, it's going to be a bad one. I'm still waiting; I will let you know.
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Uh oh
Today my wife accused me of being extremely crabby and she asked me if I need to have my ass blistered. She told me that I was right on the edge of earning a spanking. I found myself quickly backtracking and saying that I did not need a spanking and that I would straighten up. It's funny that all I can think about is her spanking me, but, when I have the chance, I quickly discern that reality will be agony. There is absolutely no way that I am going to put myself over her knee of discipline willingly! I'd like to think I have a little more brains than that. So I will go back inside my head of spanking fantasies knowing that my fear caused me to avoid what I so desperately need.
Friday, August 18, 2023
The dichotomy of a spanko
After my last post, I started to think of what happens when I get what I ask for because I will. My strongest desire is to be made a blubbering, incoherent mess over Mommy's knee. The dichotomy for all spankos is the fact that we cannot bring to the forefront of our mind, with sufficient force, just how bad a punishment spanking hurts. No matter how many times we have been spanked there is no way to remember the pain. For us, it's not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2. For us it's: spanking + ? = tears. There is no way to physically remember that the question mark is unbearable pain. Being over my wife's knee is the last place I want to be when the pain starts, but isn't that how it should be? I am being punished and punishment is not supposed to be fun. The spanking should be agony from start to finish. Begging. pleading and sobbing is a by-product of that process. Afterward, in the corner, the memory of the pain is there in my bottom but has already started the process of leaving my mind. The next day I will already be in full fantasy mode, however, self-preservation has also kicked in and I toe the line.
I had a man comment yesterday that I should stop sending things to my wife to try and force her to do this for me. He said I should go out of my way to make her life easier. I took no offense as he knows nothing about our relationship, but he is assuming a lot. First off, I go out of my way for my wife every day, as any couple should do for each other. Second, my wife is going to have not one reservation about beating my ass until I am in hysterics. About that I am sure!!! She has already seen the change that the last spanking, she gave me, brought about. She will have no problem giving me what I so richly deserve.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
A new story I wrote for my wife that tells her, in a way, what I am looking for.
“David Klemm go to your room this instant!!! Set up the chair, strip, and get in the corner!!! I’ve warned you many times about your attitude, young man………you are going to get your ass blistered harder than ever before!!!”
David practically ran down the hall, retrieved the chair,
set it up, and then stripped and stood in the corner. He had never seen Tina so
mad, and so determined at the same time. He knew that this was not going to be
like his other spankings………..he was finally going to experience the kicking, pleading,
bawling, snot-slinging spanking he had always fantasized about. And, he was
terrified! He heard his wife enter the room, retrieve her bathbrush, and start
his lecture.
“Now, young man, let us set some ground rules. I know you will
kick, beg and sob your way through this spanking, however, you Will Not be
allowed to swear. Is that understood? You are a young boy getting his ass
blistered raw, but as a young boy, you will watch your mouth!!! Have I made
myself clear?
“Yes, Mommy,” David responded as his mouth went dry.
Tina roughly pulled him out of the corner, by his ear, and
pulled him roughly over her knee. She put one leg over his legs so that he
could not escape the blistering he had so richly earned. She planned to turn
him into a sobbing little boy long before this spanking was over. She planned
to turn his fantasies into painful realities from now on!!! No more would she
coddle this man who begged for discipline in his life! He had pleaded for her
to be strict, and from now on he would get all that he had dreamed of, and she
would never let him back out! She raised the bathbrush as high as she could and
started the first of the many, many, punishment spankings to come in his life.
One minute into his spanking David knew that his wife was
taking it to another level. Two minutes in and he felt like his flesh was
searing off. Three minutes in he felt her switch to his sit spot and yelled “fuck.”
Tina immediately stopped spanking.
There was a menace in her voice when she said, “I see that you
forgot the rules, young man! Let me tell you what happens to young boys who
cannot follow Mommy’s rules. First, this spanking, which is nowhere near
finished, will be the worst thing you have ever felt in your life! When I am
finished spanking you, I am going to drag you into the bathroom where I will
wash your mouth out with soap. Then you are going to kneel in the corner, with
your back straight, for twenty minutes. God help you if you slump because I
will start the whole spanking again….DO NOT TEMPT ME!!! At the end of corner
time, you can do what you want, but know this, you are going to get a five-minute, timed, strapping tonight before bed. From now on this is your dynamic.
You have dreamed of this your whole life, and, as the woman who loves you, I am
going to make your dreams, of being a severely disciplined husband, a reality
that occurs frequently from now on. Now kiss me, you silly man.
From that spanking onwards David’s tears could have filled
buckets, but he also overflowed with happiness!
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Contradictions and confusion
Every day I obsess about being spanked. Every day I send my wife more information on how to deliver a real punishment spanking. She told me she is saving all of the things I send her in a folder on her phone. This fact makes me happy, and scared, at the same time. The whole contradiction is that I crave punishment all of the way until it is happening! When I am over her knee, begging, screaming, and pleading, I would rather be anywhere else. When it's over I'm back to obsessing. I guess if punishment spankings occurred more often I would remember them better, and not look at them with euphoric recall. The confusion is real.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
I guess I will make two posts today.
I've been going through comments left on my blog; I had no idea people actually followed me. For this, I am very sorry. Let me say that I will try to make it up to you by posting more regularly. Actually, there are quite a few of you that I would be interested in talking to. My email is: okcats2@hotmail.com
I'm going to post a picture of my very first punishment spanking. Enjoy!
We are finally on our way.
It finally happened!
My wife gave me my first punishment spanking. We have been talking about adopting this lifestyle, at my request, for a couple of weeks. I have always wanted this in my life, always desired it, always craved it................today the Goddess in my life took the reins and blistered my ass.
She asked me to pick up her prescription at the store because I was already going that way to pick up the food that I had ordered. The request pissed me off, I rolled my eyes and huffed okay because I felt put out. She told me that after I left the house, she was angry, but then had the revelation that I had given her full rein to do something about it. She sent me a text, that I didn't see until she told me about it, but the point was that I was in trouble. When I got home she told me to get the chair, put it in the bedroom, strip, and wait in the corner. I had some dread, but mostly I was ecstatic that the moment I had been waiting for my whole life was finally here!!!
She scolded me while I waited in the corner. She told me that I thought the world revolved around me, and that I was selfish. She told me she was going to work on changing my attitude now. She had a bath brush in her hand, took me over her knee, and blistered my ass. To say it hurt would be an understatement, however, it really was nowhere near a full punishment spanking because my ass start to bleed a little. I guess as my bottom gets tougher the spankings will become more unbearable.
The real point of this whole article is to shout to the world that my wife is my Goddess and I love her more than life itself!!! The gratitude I feel in my heart tonight is overwhelming.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Monday, June 24, 2019
The next step
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Happy New Year
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Got my ass blistered last night!!!
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Wishy washy?
Friday, October 9, 2015
An email I just sent my wife.............
It is almost like we have ESP for each others thoughts and feelings. I have been laying here every night trying to think of the right way to tell you that I need you to be stricter with me. To spank me right away and not be so wishy washy. When you decide to spank: SPANK!!! Also, I think that you should try to get into my head when you spank. That is the only way that we will ever achieve tears. Just pull me down the hall by my ear, or whatever, all of the time telling me how you're going to beat my ass so bad that I won't sit for a week. Be strict, don't accept any excuses, just SPANK!!! If you find that I haven't done my chores, and I'm watching t.v., just come in yelling "David Edward K you are going to get your ass beat. What did I tell you would happen if you neglected your chores? Since you obviously didn't believe me I guess I'm going to have to blister your bottom right now!!!" Then do it!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I leave my chores undone just to see what you'll do. Usually you will just do them yourself rather than spanking me, like you should, for ignoring your orders. The other day the recycling was overflowing and you never said a thing. My question is: Are you a sissy girl who gets pushed around?
(I think that I may really regret this one!!!)
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Hard to believe
"When I spank and the hubby finally start to "Bawl" I spank well past that point, yes it's a normal reaction it doesn't mean ok it's time to stop, it tells me as does the squirming and kicking that my message is being received.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
New spanking bench...............
Monday, March 16, 2015
I gotta say............
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Happy to report..............
After 53 years of life I have the strict disciplinarian I have always wanted. When we started out in this relationship I was the spanker, then we drifted into switch territory for awhile. I have always dreamed of being a very disciplined husband, and it took awhile but my wife is finally in the "swing" of things as it were.....lol. At first we switched a lot. Then I sent her every article, story, and video I could find on the subject of Domestic Discipline...female style! Although she read, and looked at everything I sent her, it took her some time to arrive at what I was looking for. I would send her another story after she had spanked me for a transgression....the story would lean more towards what I was looking for. Now I feel like I might be creating a monster as she is stricter and spanking me harder. She also does not let me get away with the things that she used to! Life is good!!!